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Famous dishes in Shanghai

Beef & Mutton Dishes--Roasted Suckling Lamb

Ingredients: 1 suckling lamb with head (about 1,500g), scallion pieces, onion pieces, green garlic threads, carrots threads, seafood sauce, rib sauce, preserved bean curd gravy, wine, salt, sesame oil, spice, Ziran powder


  1. Chop the lamb into chunks and pickle in the seasoning gravy made of the above seasonings except sesame oil and Ziran powder for 12 hours. Steam the lamb with the gravy for 25 minutes. After it is done, fry the lamb in hot oil.
  2. Cover the iron plate with scallion pieces and onion pieces. Pour on the sesame oil. Place the lamb chunks on the scallion and onion pieces in the shape of a lamb. Brush the lamb surface with sesame oil and sprinkle some Ziran powder and several common fennels. Roast for 25 minutes (when roasting, it is desirable to brush sesame oil and sprinkle Ziran powder for several times).
  3. When the lamb looks bright red, dust some carrot shreds and garlic shreds on it. Roast for another 1 minute. Dust on some Ziran powder and serve.

Recommended restaurant:Xian Qiang Fang Hong Qiao Hotel

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