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Famous dishes in Shanghai

Others--Fried Breadcrumb-Coated Balls Stuffed with Minced Taro and Shrimp Meat

Ingredients: 150g shrimps, 150g taros, 50g shrimp meat, 10g shelled peanuts, 10g moss shreds, oil, refined salt, gourmet powder, Shaoxing wine, pepper, water chestnut powder, breadcrumb, chives, ginger shreds.


  1. Remove the head from the shrimps and shell them. Pickle in the mixture of gourmet powder, refined salt, Shaoxing wine, pepper and ginger juice and coat the shrimps with the paste. Mince the taros and add chives, water chestnut powder, gourmet powder and salt. Stir to mix them up. Put shrimp meat in the minced taros and make balls. Coat the balls with breadcrumb.
  2. Grain the shelled peanuts and mash the moss shreds. Stir with sugar and gourmet powder.
  3. Heat the wok over a strong fire. Add oil and when it is nearly half done, put in the balls. When the balls are done, remove the oil. Add peanut grains and mashed moss and stir briefly. Put them in a serving dish.

Recommended restaurant:HEWEI LOWNGE

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